My Favorite Cookbooks

I thought I would celebrate my Birthday week by posting every day this week and give a complete run down of my favorite things. Let’s start with Cookbooks! I read cookbooks like some would read a text book. I have to have a paper & a pencil to take notes on what I’m reading. I’m…

Kitchen Secrets

No. 1 Liquid gold. Or in some circles it’s called Chicken Stock. It is very easy to make and you will need a very short list of ingredients to make it. Start by saving your chicken bones or by roasting a whole chicken. Once you have removed all the meat from the bones toss them…

Kitchen Tips

Some people hate it. Some people love it. Some people avoid it because they don’t know what to do. Some people love what comes out of the kitchen as long as they aren’t the Chef. For those who might need some help or maybe some tips to keep things running smoothly here are some kitchen…