Three on Thursday

October No. 1 Our month began with crossing off projects on our “Home Owner To-Do List”. We rented a dumpster for a Saturday then asked for helping hands from our local family. Then with four hard working men filled the dumpster in one Saturday. They took down a fence line, two sheds in the back…

Three on Thursday

August No. 1 The month of August has been a busy month! It has been full of everything we could fit into it before Lily started 1st grade. Lily was excited to start school and the highlight of school have been, eating lunch at school, having TWO recesses, and getting to leave with the big…

Three on Thursday

July No. 1 Music. I came across this amazing song called My Baby by Steve Martin & Edie Brickell, you can hear it the song here. I then went in search for some more. I found an album and it’s amazing! The album is called So Familiar you can find it here on Spotify. I…

Three on Thursday

June No. 1 Chocolate Fudge Brownie Bits. Here is your next chocolate indulgence, but really when they’re made with nuts, dates, and cocoa powder you can’t call them an ‘indulgence’? Can you? Thank you Sadia from the blog Pick up Limes for sharing something wonderful. Click Here for the recipe. No. 2 Dog Attack. I…

Three on Thursday

May No. 1 Let’s start with a laugh. I come from a big family and I laughed so much at this comedian that I could help but share this with you. No. 2 Summer is for the great outdoors and doing everything you can that doesn’t involve pencils, papers, and text books. But when you’re…

Three on Thursday

April No. 1 This is beautiful. I love Andrea Bocelli voice and the scenery shown is incredible. Take some time, make a cup of coffee, and sit down to enjoy something beautiful. No. 2 What’s been cooking in the kitchen? Pork Chops & onion gravy with sweet potato fries. If you’re looking for a good…

Three on Thursday

March No. 1 Have you ever had Shoo Fly Pie? I hadn’t. It’s an Amish thing that I was told about, but Christopher asked if I would make one. So I went searching for a Gluten-free, sugar free, Shoo Fly pie recipe. Thankfully I found one on Mr. Farmer’s Daughter. I used my favorite gluten-free…

Three on Thursday

February No. 1 Mommy Remembers what’s it like being a Mommy. Clothes. The reason I have no clothes from my other postpartum days is because after being spit up on, pooped on, and slobbered on my clothes go into the laundry hamper. I might have to change my clothes three to six times a day….

Three on Thursday

January No. 1 I’m sure you’re wondering what happened? A Glimpse of Gingham looks different, all the photos and posts are gone! Ah Yes, you are right, your eyes do not deceive you. Here’s what happened: In December I hit an expiration date. The end of my WordPress Plan and I didn’t have the finances…