A Fresh Start

We all love a fresh start. A clean board. A new Calendar. A New Year to start anew on our goals and dreams. Big or small. Easy or difficult. I’ve always loved making goals at the beginning of the year. I have so many things I want to accomplish and to see myself master by…

The First of the Year

Welcome to the Year 2022! Here we are at the beginning of another year! Another trip around the sun has ended and another trip has begun. With the New Year comes the usual pressures of making resolutions and lists of all our good intentions. I have decided not to make my usual “mountain” of goals…

Let’s Start with Introductions

Hello. I’m Caroline. With a beginning of a New Year I thought starting with a proper introduction was in order. What’s Your Story? I’m 33 years old and live in Pennsylvania with Mr. Wonderful and my three children. Lily. Andrew & Michael. I was born and raised in South Carolina but left in 2009 to…

Southerner Living in the North

I moved to Pennsylvania in March of 2016. I was pregnant with our first son and had a toddler to care for when we decided to move. I had visited Carlisle a few time but never thought we would live there and honestly I was a little nervous to be moving to a foreign land….

This Little Adventure With Me

Welcome to a Glimpse of Gingham It’s Launch Day for this little Blog and I’m excited to be sharing it with you. A Glimpse of Gingham has been in the works since my 30th Birthday. It was an idea at first, a dream, then I started to compose and mentally design what I wanted to…

30 Things to do in my 30s

Today is my Birthday, I’m 30 today. I find that my Birthdays are days of reflection and not the wildest of parties. I get away from the business of life and find some place quiet to think. I look back on the year and start to dream about what the next year will hold. There…