Michael at Twelve Months

Sleeping Patters: Michael is sleeping through the nights, he is still set on waking up at 3 a.m. and wants cuddles and “num-nums” in Mommy and Daddy’s bed. Eating Habit: Anything and Everything! Michael loves rice and pasta, there are meals when a washcloth isn’t enough and Michael is given a bath to wash off…

Michael at Eleven Months

Sleeping Patterns: Michael is sleeping in his pack n play but still enjoys his early morning nursing and cuddle time usually at 5 a.m. Eating Habits: Michael has decided that he will be feeding himself now. I’ll put out a few soft foods taken from our own meal and let him “have-at-it” then clean him…

Michael is Ten Months

Sleeping Patterns: Michael has a few good nights here and there but he like to eat and cuddling in the middle of the night. He is always ready for bed at 8:00 though and goes right to sleep after some cuddles and warm milk. Eating Habits: A Banana a day with oatmeal and fruit pouches….

Michael at Nine Months

Sleeping Patterns: It is now time for Michael to sleep through the night. He doesn’t like this idea. At All. Eating Habits: Michael loves sweet potato fries. He eats a Banana for breakfast and steals a few spoonfuls of Mommy’s oatmeal. He is always happy with a few veggie straws and there are days when…

Michael is Eight Months

Sleeping Patterns: Bedtime is at 8. How does Michael know it is 8? I have no idea. It doesn’t matter what we are doing, where we are, or what’s going on, when 8:00 strikes – Michael is all about bedtime. Right now he will sleep from 8 to 11, then he will wake up for…

Michael is Seven Months

Sleep Patterns: Michael can fall asleep anywhere! He only needs his blanky, Mommy and “num nums” (milk). He is still sleeping in his pack n’ play and will join Mommy & Daddy in the morning for breakfast in bed and cuddles before our alarm clock goes off. Eating Habits: Anything Michael can get his hands…

Michael is Six Months

Sleeping Patterns: Michael love to eat, no matter what time it is. Michael takes two naps, one in the morning and another after lunch. I have set up the pack n play in our room because I can’t put Michael on our bed without him rolling off. Eating Habits: Michael eats a whole banana for…

Michael at Five Months

Sleeping Patterns: We have a summer sleep sack for you and it has been a dream! Perfect for nap time and bedtime. The weather is warm but Michael will kick off all his blankets. Eating Habits: All the time! Things You like: Being naked and bubbles and being outside. The Ergobaby carrier has been wonderful…

Michael at Four Months

Sleeping Patterns: Michael like to wake up early. Like 5 a.m. early and no matter what I do he won’t go back to bed. Early morning coffee has been perfect for Mommy, and watching my boys ‘play’ has been worth the lost of sleep. Andrew loves Michael and is always on the floor with him,…

Michael at Three Months

Sleeping Patterns: With Mommy and Daddy always wanting cuddles and “num nums”. Eating Habits: All the time and whenever possible. Michael didn’t have any problems nursing and is now a champion nurser. Things You Like: Mommy. Eating. Being Outside. Things You Don’t Like: Being without Mommy. Places We Went: Nowhere. Everything has been canceled because…