Books for the New Year

What should I read next? Let me offer a few suggestions.

There are a few books that I would happily recommend for one to read as the New Year begins. These books have been prevalent in my journey to be a housewife, mother, wife, and women in general. They touch on several topics and teach many things that I was never taught growing up and now I wish to teach to my daughter as she grows and becomes a woman herself.

At Home with Madame Chic by Jennifer L. Scott

The perfect book for a young mom to read as she starts a New Year with little ones. This book is filled with great ideas, helpful hints, and encouragement as you come out of the new born months and start to feel like yourself again. Jennifer highlight the daily list of chores and how to accomplish them with grace and joy. What do you do once the children are in bed? Continue to make yourself elegant and beautiful of course. It’s a short yet enjoyable read and can be read with a glass of your favorite wine, in a proper wine glass of course.

Longevity By Cameron Diaz and Sandra Bark

We are all doing it. Aging. We can’t stop it so might as well enjoy it and do it gracefully. I know I am not in my 40s or 50s but why should that stop me from starting good healthy habits now? This book has been wonderful in explaining how a woman’s body works, how it’s going to change and what to do to care for it. I’m in my 30s but that hasn’t stopped me from reading on how to start eating, living, and preparing for the years ahead of me. I want to live them in strength and in good health so I’m starting that journey right now.

French Women for All Seasons By Mireille Guiliano

I confess I pull this book out at the beginning of each season to “review” helpful tips and tricks so that I can live each season as fully as possible. I love the reminder of what is to come and what I can do to make my body and my menu reflect all of the benefits of the season. Mireille gives you recipes to try, menus for each season, fashion advice, relaxation tips and home decorating ideas. What’s not to love?

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